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Team Rules


  1. Helmets – Helmets are required. Under no circumstances should a student be on their bike without a fastened helmet. DPMS team members will set the example for following this rule always. If your leg is over the bike, your helmet is strapped!
  2. Safety – High and Middle School Mountain Biking is not an extreme sport. Practices and racing are fun and fast, but must be within the limits of the athlete. Coaches will focus on teaching safety and skills. Taking risks beyond your ability will not be tolerated. Safe speeds are relative to terrain and experience level. You must be able to stop safely within the distance that you can see ahead. Approach switchbacks and turns in anticipation that someone is coming the other way. Keep your wheels on the ground . . . no jumping.


  1. HAVE FUN! – Show up with a good attitude and a friendly smile. Make new friends and say “howdy” to the other trail users you pass. Be friendly and get to know those you are riding with and the ride leaders. Be ready to learn by playing!


  1. Sportsmanship – You represent our school, our team, and cycling in general. Display great sportsmanship during all events. Treat teammates, coaches, spectators, and officials with fair play and respect. Bullying and cliques are not our standard.
  2. Respect – Ride with respect. Ride in control and be mindful of your surroundings. Ride only on authorized trails. Never ride on muddy trails. Minimize trail erosion by braking correctly. Show respect for the environment, never litter. Headphones and cell phone usage are not allowed while riding.
  3. Respect the rules of right of way – Pass with care and let others know of your presence well in advance. Pedestrians with pets on leashes have the right of way. Be especially careful when passing a horse, stop or slow down until you have permission to pass. Sometimes it may be necessary to dismount and get off the trail to allow others to pass. Uphill bikers always have the right of way over downhill bikers. Look ahead and always expect someone might be just around the corner.


  1. Attendance & Participation – Each athlete is expected to participate in practices and training. We realize many kids will travel in the summer. But do your best to get to practice when you are in town. Team members are expected to arrive on time for practice. You must attend at least one of our skills nights and one bike check to ride with the team.
  2. Be there for your team! Cheer on the team when you aren’t racing. Help keep our pitzone clean.
  3. Be there for the community – Each athlete is expected to help us in at least one of our dig days. Be aware and take care of the environment and the beautiful trails! Aim to leave them better than they were when you arrived.
  4. Volunteering – Parents need to BE THERE too! Our team is dependent on volunteers!! Every athlete must have at least one parent volunteer to either be a ride leader or help on our events committee.
  5. Practice Groups – Coaches will structure practice into groups as needed to accommodate and help riders of all levels. However, ride groups are assigned by the coaches and it is critical to ride in your assigned group and give a best effort at each practice.


  1. Take care of your bike – Team members will be expected to come to practice and races with a functioning and properly maintained bicycle. You will need to pass your bike off for inspection (bike check night) before riding with the team. Coaches will be teaching basic bike maintenance skills throughout the season. Riders will be expected to learn and perform basic on-trail repairs. Riders are responsible for the condition and safety of their own bicycles.
  2. Arrive prepared  – Make sure you arrive at every practice with everything you need: helmet, appropriate clothing (layers), water bottle, snacks, extra tube, pump or CO2 cartridge, multi-tool, tire levers, and any medications you may need. Always complete an ABCD bike check before each ride (A- air, B-brakes, C-chain, D-derailleur/shifting)
  3. Take care of yourself – The use of performance enhancing drugs (including caffeine) is not allowed. Any injuries, accidents or medical conditions that would affect your ability to safely ride a bicycle must be reported to your coach. It will be the coaches’ decision to clear riders again after an injury and may require medical release as determined by the coach. Any reported possible concussions will require medical release before returning to practice. Any accident that results in you missing practice (beyond the day you were injured), missing school, and/or missing work; or that warrants a trip to the doctor must be reported to the head coach.