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Did you say races? When and where?

Race dates are available but race locations have not been released.

Race 1 – 8/24/24 – Manti
Race 2 – 9/7/24 – Price
Race 3 – 9/21/24 – Vernal

How early should I arrive at the race?

You should arrive AT LEAST 75 minutes before your race starts. We’d like you to come straight to our pitzone and get your race plates and bib numbers. Then warm-up a little about 40 minutes before your race. Be at the staging area 20 minutes before your race.

What is a “pitzone”?

The pitzone is our team gathering spot. Teammates, friends and family are all welcome! We’ll have food, water, shade, and chairs. We’ll also have a-frame bike storage stands for your bikes. Please keep all your belongings in a duffel bag or backpack and help keep our pitzone clean! When you arrive at the race, you’ll find our team by looking for the DPMS easy-ups and a giant flag. We are usually right next to CCHS.

Take note . . . NO RIDING BIKES in the pitzone!

What time do I race?

You will find this information on the race flyers on the league website. They place the Junior Devo kids (that’s us!) first in the morning.

What should I wear?

Your super cool DPMS jersey & bibs of course! The league requires that you race in our full team kit. If you are on the podium, make sure you are still wearing your team jersey (if you had changed post-race). Also bring extra layers. The high elevation in some of our races makes the weather more unpredictable and generally much cooler. So be prepared!

What should I bring?

Everything you should normally bring to practice! Bike, helmet, bike shoes, team kit, bike gloves, sunglasses if you like to wear those, hydration pack or water bottles, multi-tool, extra tube, C02 inflator or mini-pump, and additional kit if you are traveling and pre-riding the night before. It’s also helpful to bring a full size pump to the race, just in case – but someone else will usually have one if you need to check your tire pressure.

Also, you will want to change clothes to cheer on team members and before the ride home. You may also need medications, a cooler with special food or drinks (we’ll have food and drinks for you – but if you want something specific, bring it!), a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, rain or cold weather gear, knee & arm warmers.

What is the race course like? Is it downhill or cross-country?

We are a cross-country racing team. There will be uphill and downhill on the course. But nothing like riding straight up to the corral and back down rush. Usually your race will be around 6 miles, with 400-500 feet of elevation gain. You can find descriptions of the trails on the race flyers.

Can I pre-ride the race course before I race?

Yes! The race flyer will tell you what days pre-ride is available. The league has a rule that only athletes and registered coaches/ride leaders can pre-ride the course on the official pre-rides (usually Friday night 3p – 7p before the race). It is fine to pre-ride with your parent on other days that are open to the general public. If your parent is a registered ride leader and wants to ride with you on the official pre-ride, they will need to wear a DPMS jersey or t-shirt. And please, no younger siblings at the official pre-ride.

What should I do to prep my bike before the race?

Please wash it and properly inspect it. Clean & lube the chain before every race. Check that the suspension is operating well and that the tires don’t have any cracks or abrasions. Make sure it is shifting smoothly and easily. Properly inflate your tires. Inspect your brakes. And last but definitely not least, if anything is not right . . . get your bike to the shop for a tune-up ASAP. It’s best not to make drastic changes the night before a race, and the shop needs time to help everyone out.

What should I eat before I race?

Eat a good meal 2 hours prior to your race start. It should be something familiar to you that you know you’ll digest easily – something with plenty of carbohydrates.

Our races are not long enough to have to worry about mid-race fuel. Just have plenty of water or a sports drink.

When you are finished racing, we will have lots of ways to refuel at our pitzone for you! You can even let your family join in on the snacks and drinks . . . just make sure the athletes have plenty first. Some venues also have food trucks with snacks and meals for purchase.

Any rules I need to know about?

Yes! We will send out a separate email when we get closer to the race with a few rules to make note of. But super important . . . HELMETS NEED TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES A LEG IS OVER YOUR BIKE. Parents included!

What about my race plate and bib number?

You will be given a race plate and bib number at the first race in our pitzone. The race plate needs to be attached to the front of your bike visibly. If you can’t see the race plate, neither can the timing crew! Step back and make sure it is easily visible. The bib number will be pinned to the side of your jersey – we’ll show you how at the first race. We will collect the bibs and race plates at the end of each race. If you accidentally bring it home, and lose it or forget to bring it to the next race, the league will charge you a replacement fee for a new one.

What if I get hurt or something goes wrong with my bike at the race?

The race has a medical zone that can handle any emergencies and basic first aid needs. “Neutral Support” will provide free bike checks and minor mid-race repairs near the start line. You will get a penalty if anyone assists you on the course (besides yourself). But there is no penalty if you make it back to the neutral support station for help.

Where do my friends and family watch me race?

It depends on each course, but you can rarely see the race from the pitzone. They are welcome to watch the races from anywhere on the course – just hike and find the perfect spot. Sometimes with careful hiking, they can see you multiple times throughout the race. Please just be mindful of crossing guards and race tape and of course watch out for speedy racers!

We would love for all the athletes on our team to be on the course or at the finish line before and/or after they race (once they’ve eaten!) to cheer on their teammates. Go Vikings!

What if I have more questions?

Review the race flyers on the Utah MTB website. Then ask a coach or a seasoned ride leader at practice!